Terapeut Latan Viorel

Cursuri Reiki

Curs Reiki Nivel 1

Curs Reiki Nivel 1

Invata despre Omul Energetic,modul în ca..

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Our Case Studies

I often help in your communication by "translating." Many conflicts are due to the misunderstanding of emotional content.

What Our Client Say’s

I often help in your communication by "translating." Many conflicts are due to the misunderstanding of emotional content.

Elena B

profesor universitar dr și scriitoare

Din experiența proprie ,recomand călduros această metodă de vindecare integrată în complexul de tratamente alternative din cadrul societății medicale Armonia din București. Această procedura de tratament modern ,neinvazivă și eficace este aplicată cu profesionalism de către cunoscutul Terapeut Viorel Lățan ,care a participat la.


Paula U.

Increderea în efectul acestor terapii alternative (Reiki, Vindecare Dinamică, Atingere Cuantică) m-au determinat să urmez cursurile de Reiki, cu profesorul maestru Viorel Lățan, acum fiind maestru practicant gradul 3, putând astfel să-mi rezolv singură micile dezechilibre energetice. Cele mai relaxante, productive si eficiente 50.

We Have Flexible Pricing Plan

I feel it is a privilege to be a therapist. I love my work. I take a creative and collaborative approach in my practice, researching innovative techniques and information to help you make the changes you desire. I feel it is a privilege to be a therapist. I love my work. I take a creative and collaborative approach in my practice, researching innovative techniques and information to help you make the changes you desire. I feel it is a privilege to be a therapist. I love my work. I take a creative and collaborative approach in my practice, researching innovative techniques and information to help you make the changes you desire.



  • 800 GB Storage
  • 25 GB BandWidth
  • 24x7 Support
  • Advanced Option
  • Small Social Media


Per Month
  • 800 GB Storage
  • 25 GB BandWidth
  • 24x7 Support
  • Advanced Option
  • Small Social Media

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The mission of The Family Institute is to strengthen and heal families and individuals from all walks of life through clinical service.

What Does The Future Of Recruitment Look Like?

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with.

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Researching innovative techniques and information to help you make the changes you desire.